Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Allergy Season Is Here - There Is HELP

It’s that time of year again! The flowers are blooming, the grass needs mowing, the garden is buzzing and you are starting to sneeze and scratch. Why is it that a perfectly wonderful time of year can make so many of us so uncomfortable?

Allergies cannot be cured, but they can be controlled. The first step is to avoid those to things that tend to make you sneeze, itch, or cough.

How to take care of yourself
For most allergies, a person can feel better after taking an antihistamine. Antihistamines include traditional drugs such as Benadryl and Claritin. Benadryl can cause drowsiness. Claritin (loratidine) doesn’t make you sleepy. Both are helpful to control allergies.

Some people may require prescription drugs or even steroids to control the symptoms of allergies. Often antihistamines or cortisone nasal sprays can control allergy symptoms without the general side effects of prescriptions.

Allergy shots
Often people ask about allergy shots – also called immunotherapy. Allergy shots are injections of small amounts of the material to which the person is allergic. By taking small amounts frequently, the person develops a tolerance to the substances that cause the allergies.

Why not IMPROVE your immune system so you can FIGHT OFF the allergies before they hit you. The best way is to take HoneyBee Propolis twice a day. It is best to start taking it 3 months BEFORE allergy season so you can boost your immune system. Get started on it now and in a few weeks you should feel a difference but it is best to take it year round.

To learn more about Honeybee Propolis visit the website below

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