Sunday, November 1, 2015

Stress Causes Bad Health

As up to 80% of all visits to a doctor in the United States are believed to be caused by a stress-related illness, reducing your stress levels is critical to your overall health, well-being and longevity.

Unfortunately modern western medicine focuses primarily on the treatment of specific illnesses, rather than preventative care or maintenance of patients' overall health and wellness levels. This has resulted in modern medicine's preferred solution for stress-related conditions being nothing more than prescribing an ever-increasing array of symptom-masking, side effect causing pharmaceutical drugs that do nothing to actually fix the root cause of the problems.

This reliance results in lots of drug prescriptions being written. As an example, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in 2012 a whopping 71.5 percent of all visits to a doctor resulted in a drug therapy prescription being written. The total number of prescriptions issued that year was a staggering 2.6-billion.

 Let's face it. We all live in a world where we are subjected to many different forms of stress on a daily basis. These stresses can eventually cause a wide-range of illnesses that have major negative impacts on both our longevity and our quality of life. Nature's solution to our stress filled lifestyle is an amazing set of substances known as adaptogens that help the body significantly reduce our stress levels.

Relieve your stress with our all natural product.

#bsafe #nutrisail #stress releif

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Oral Chelation

Oral Chelation

Chances are....your life will be affected by cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims the lives of more people in the United States then any other disease. According to the American Heart Association, over 60 million Americans have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease. One out of every 2.5 deaths is due to CVD. In the U.S., one person dies every 30 seconds from heart disease. That's over 2,600 people every single day!

No nutritional product or pharmaceutical drug guarantees total prevention of CVD. But one nutritonal supplement is making real progress a addressing the root cause of CVD. For 20 years, the Original Oral Chelation has helped thousands of people across the United States and Canada remove waste from their cardiovascular system.

While most nutritional products add nutrients to your system, the mission of The Original Oral Chelation is to remove toxins and waste from your system. We generally don't die because of a lack of nutrients - but because we are significantly occluded or blocked up. Do something about it: take a formula that chelates!

The formulator of The Original Oral Chelation, Harry W. Hersey answers many common questions regarding his formula and it benefits below.

Where did the term "oral chelation" come from?

" I created the first and only true Oral Chelation formula in 1983, so I basically invented the term and oral chelation concept. Others have attempted to copy what I started over 20 years ago, but we're still the only company with a true oral chelation formula."

Why did you create The Original Oral Chelation?

" After dealing with IV (intravenous) chelation doctors for a few years, it became apparent that I could achieve the same results using a simple health food formulation that doctors charge hundreds of dollars for. We could get our formulation to millions of people where doctors could only reach hundreds."

How does The Original Oral Chelation work?

"The Original Oral chelation works the same way as IV chelation but with out the need of a doctor. That's because we have a non-prescription formulation with no known side effects. Disodium EDTA chelates (attaches) to heavy metals, such as mercury and iron in the blood stream. These heavy metals can lead to the build up of plaque and narrowing of the arteries. Without the use of an oral chelating agent or IV chelation, people will ultimately need bypass sugery or can even die. My answer to living longer is to take The Original Oral Chelation every day."

What results have you seen with
the use of The Original Oral Chelation?

"Since 1983, we've seen hundreds of thousands of people change their health for the better. They are living longer, avoiding surgery and reversing the effects of diabetes. using The Original Oral Chelation, people are living healthier, more fulfilling lives."

How does The Original Oral Chelation
compare to IV chelation therapy?

Take a look at the comparison chart below
and you'll see the differences.

IV Chelation Therapy

The Original Oral Chelation
( OOC )
Doctors use a glucose
formula to carry EDTA.

OOC uses raw unpasturized honey
to carry and deliver EDTA.
Doctors use synthetic B Vitamins.

OOC uses the richest natural souce
of B vitamins from fresh Royal Jelly.
Needle stuck in your arm for several
hours to undergo treatment.

Take 1-2 tablespoons daily. Soft gels
are also effective and easy.
Must be supervised by M.D. with
vascular intrusion and risk of infection.

Done in the privacy of your home.
No needles - no M.D. charges.
30 to 40 recommended treatments
generally cost $3,000- $6,000.
OOC actually tastes great and costs
as little as $.50 to $1.00 per day.

Take it from these satisfied
Original Oral Chelation customers!

"In March 1998 I was diagnosed with Diabetes. My blood sugar was ... in the poor range. My nutitional program included The Original Oral Chelation ... and alternating every other day with the Heart Health Pack and Gold Pack. In January 1999 my blood sugar test was in excellent control and in September 2002, all tests came back into the normal range! My eye doctor questions me now as whether or not I even had Diabetes. I feel better now than I did 10 years ago!" Ron N., MN

. "I feel so much more energized since I started on my Oral Chelation program in September 2001. I usually get colds that last for five to seven days. Since taking The Original Oral Chelation along with Propolis Throat Spray, my most recent cold lasted only one day! It's very unusual for a cold to go away so quickly." Betty M,. WI.

"Over the past several years I injured my left shoulder many times. In the past year or so my left shoulder got to the point that I could not lift my arm above shoulder height without much pain. It became so intense that I thought I might need surgery. In August my doctor mentioned that he thought my problem was from calcification, so I decided to increase my Original Oral Chelation. I started taking about 3 teaspoons per day, instead of a maintenance amount. I am happy to say that my shoulder is now about 80% better." Tim F., OH.

"I began taking The Original Oral Chelation since Harry first introduced it in Canada. I suffered from arthritis in my fingers and also had lower back pain. I wasn't sure whether Ther Original Oral Chelation would help, but I couldn't believe the results! While bowling one night, I suddenly realized that my hands weren't painful or stiff. Also, my back wasn't aching every morning. When I saw my doctor, he was very pleased with improvement in my blood pressure. I showed him the Oral Chelation formula and he mentioned that royal jelly was one of the best things you could take, and advised me to continue using it. he also cut my prescription in half! I will continue to take The Original Oral Chelation for the rest of my life!" Pat G., Quebec

For information on our Oral Chelation product, CLICK HERE.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Why Take Vitamins

Scientists call essential substances of life vitamins. Until recently, it was widely believed that supplements were only necessary if a person had an outright illness or was truly sick.

Today, research indicated many Americans have mild or moderate nutrient deficiencies that impact their health status, and dietary supplements are necessary to maintain health. Unaddressed, these deficiencies can often put your body at risk for future health problems. Therefore, it is important for people to be sure they are receiving the proper amounts of high-quality nutrients for overall emotional and physical well being.

To understand the reason behind the need for dietary supplementation, let's first examine the average American diet. As a nation, we eat too many empty calorie goods. Although people in the United Sates consume plenty of food, it is not the rights KIND of food. Studies have concluded nearly 70% of a n average Americans diet is made up of fats and refined sugars that have low to no nutrient density. This contributes to nutrient deficiencies that can rob your body of its natural resistance to disease, hasten premature aging and weaken your over all performance.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has found that a significant percentage of the US populations receives well under 70% of the USRDA for vitamin A, vitamin C, B complex vitamins and the essential minerals calcium, and magnesium. A separate study found most typical diets contained less the 80% of the RDA for calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc. It also found the people most at risk were young children and women.

Since the completion of studies of the 1960's the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) has been continually cited as a contributing and causative factor in a variety of "killer" diseases. These would include arthritis, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), colitis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. There is also an increase risk of female disorders associated with diets high in processed fats called trans-fatty acids and increased intake of refined sugars and caffeine.

Although the typical American may appear to be adequately fed, contributing factors such as environmental pollution and stressful life patterns create an even greater daily requirement of certain nutrients to maintain good health. By definition, the millions of Americans that are on diets need additional vitamins an minerals to make up for deficiencies resulting from reduced calorie intake occurring through their dieting habits.
For top quality vitamins visit

#nutrisail #vitamins #supplements #HerbalsUnlimited

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Looking For A Great Energizer

Are you looking for a energizer, stress reducer?


Are you confused on which is the best one for you?

Who doesn't have stress, right?  B-Lite contains the nutrients you need to combat the negative effects of STRESS in your life.*

Provides unbelievable natural ENERGY enhancement.*

Special nutrients to enhance your MOOD and MEMORY.*

Learn more about B-Lite by visiting the link below.

#blite #b-lite #MoodEnhancer #energizer #nutrisail

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

D3 Relieves Pain

D3 Relieves Pain 

While it can't be claimed that taking vitamin D alone will help chronic pain, it is true that many people who experience non-specific musculoskeletal pain are deficient in vitamin D. For these people, supplementing with vitamin D to raise the level in their blood may lessen the amount and lower the intensity of their pain.

During the past 10 years, many researchers have noted that extremely low vitamin D levels correlate with chronic, general pain. Every tissue in our bodies has vitamin D receptors, including all muscles, immune cells, bones and brain cells. Vitamin D, then, is a vitally important hormone in our bodies.

A blood level of 30-40ng/mL is considered normal. The average vitamin D blood level can be as low as 12, and some are so low as to be undetectable. People with inadequate vitamin D blood levels will need to take twice as much narcotic pain medication as those with adequate vitamin D for pain relief. So, while vitamin D does not cure chronic pain, it is an important adjuvant therapy to use in pain treatment management.

Research studies on vitamin D have shown that many types of fatigue and chronic pain are linked to vitamin D deficiency, including chronic musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia syndrome, osteoarthritis, migraine headaches, rheumatic pain and hyperesthesia. For patients who do not respond to other therapy, vitamin D supplementation is recommended to alleviate or perhaps even resolve chronic fatigue and pain issues. Vitamin D therapy has the added benefits of being inexpensive, easy for patients to take and well-tolerated.

People with chronic musculor skeletal pain and vitamin D deficiencies are likely to gain a great deal of relief with vitamin D supplementation. Patients should have their doctor check their vitamin D level before beginning supplementation. Since many Americans have low vitamin D blood levels, it is likely that people with chronic pain have low to undetectable levels of vitamin D in their blood. People with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and those suffering with migraine headaches are good candidates for vitamin D supplementation to help with the pain.

Most doctors agree that patients should take 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily to relieve pain. Be aware that the therapy must be continued for a few months before relief kicks in. Most likely, patients won't experience complete relief of pain, but they will experience a range of improvement from reduced pain intensity, to partial pain relief, to less frequent pain.